Dorota Baumgarten-Szczyrska from The National Museum in Szczecin Department of Education has been awarded a honorary mention at the 9th edition of West-Pomeranian Museum Event of the Year 2018 in Education and Popularization category, granted by The Marshal of West-Pomeranian Voivodeship for education program for the exhibition entitled Inspired by Nature. Handicrafts of the Natives of the Amazon Region. A Tribute to Borys Malkin, June 2019


Dorota Baumgarten-Szczyrska z Działu Edukcji MNS, zdobyła wyróźnienie w IX edycji konkursu Zachodniopomorskie Muzealne Wydarzenie Roku 2018 w kategorii Działalność edukacyjno-popularyzatorskaprzyznaną przez Marszałka Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego za program edukacyjny do wystawy Inspirowani naturą. Rękodzieło Indian Amazonii. W hołdzie Borysowi Malkinowi, czerwiec 2019


The National Museum in Szczecin – The Dialogue Centre Upheavals, during European Museum Forum conference in Sarajevo, has been awarded Special Commendation at EMYA - European Museum of the Year Award 2019 prestigious competition. The National Museum in Szczecin – The Dialogue Centre Upheavals has been appreciated for engagement of local community and showing what happens when civilized values are abandoned, and how people can rebuild communities after tragic experience of recent past. During the Sarajevo ceremony, The National Museum in Szczecin has been represented by Marta Mizgalska from the Museum's Department of Social Communication. May, 2019


The European Museum Of The Year Awards 2019


Marta Kurzyńska, the Manager of The Library of The National Museum in Szczecin, was honored the prestigious title of West-Pomeranian Librarian of the Year 2018 in Stanisław Badoń Competition held by the Marshal of West-Pomeranian Voivodship and the West Pomeranian Branch of The Association of Polish Librarians. May, 2019.


Zachodniopomorski Bibliotekarz Roku 2018, w Konkursie im. Stanisława Badonia


Dariusz Kacprzak, PhD, The Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, was awarded a honorary mention at 9th edition of West_Pomeranian Museum Event of the Year 2018 Competition in Exhibition category, granted by the Marshal of West-Pomeranian Voivodship for the Szczecin display of “Biedermeier” exhibition arranged in cooperation with The National Museum in Warsaw. June, 2019


IX edycja konkursuZachodniopomorskie Muzealne Wydarzenie Roku 2018


Aleksandra Grzemska PhD (the Manger of the Publishing Department of The National Museum in Szczecin) was the winner of the Award of the President of the City of Szczecin for the best diploma thesis in the field of humanities (dissertation Mothers and Daughters. Family and Artistic Relationships in Women's Autobiographies after 1989, promoted by Prof. Inga Iwasiów, University of Szczecin, Faculty of Philology).